New Zealand Asian Leaders

Dr Peng Hong Koh Director, Viroment Technologies NZ

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Dr Peng Hong Koh graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering with First Class Honours from the University of Auckland, New Zealand, in 1974, under the Colombo Plan Scholarship. Upon graduation, he worked for the Ministry of Defence before leaving for the USA for his graduate studies under the sponsorship of the Office of Naval Research, USA.  He completed his Master of Science (Mech & Aerospace) (1980), and PhD (1983) from the University of Rochester, New York.

In his career, Dr Koh spent much of his time in defence R & D, process studies, logistics and supply-chain optimization, manufacturing technology and automation, renewable energy, recycling and lighting.

In his 20 years with the defence research and acquisition, he was involved in the research, development, specifications and acquisition of advanced technologies for adoption on the military.

In logistics and supply chain, he had designed and implemented a number of highly automated warehouse systems, and re-designed a number of integrated logistics operations for major shipping lines and logistics operators.

Renewable energy initiatives, including solar, wind, wave and biomass generators have been Dr Koh’s focus area in the last few years.  Included in these are the energy efficient projects, like high efficiency lighting technologies. Dr Koh has done extensive work in lighting and the impact on human vision.